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CIGI Post-Doctoral Fellowship by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). CIGI is inviting postdoctoral research fellows interested in global governance and policy-relevant research to consider the CIGI Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Fellowships Details

All fellows must secure funding from external fellowships (for example, Canada’s Social Sciences Humanities Research Council).

Selected candidates will receive additional research, mentoring, office support, and research resources providing funding up to $10,000 annually to assist with field work, data purchases, conference presentations, and other related ways of enhancing the overall research experience.

Core Research Themes
CIGI’s research programs focus on the following three areas:

  1. Global economy.
  2. Global security and politics.
  3. International law (international governance).

Program Features and Benefits

  1. CIGI fellows are expected to participate in CIGI community,
  2. Opportunities to present their work and disseminate their results through several CIGI outlets.
  3. Applications will open regularly throughout the year.
  4. CIGI is not obligated to provide any salary or remuneration to postdoc candidates.
  5. Fellows also may wish to consider applying to the Balsillie School of International Affairs for an affiliated status.

Quick Overview

Type: Postdoctoral
Organization: Canada: Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Location: Canada
Fellowship Amount: $10,000 annually
Eligibility: PHD
Other Info: Visit Website

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